December 05, 2019 09:44
December 05, 2019 09:57
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Dijawab oleh
dr. Felicia Ivanty
Hello good morning
This could be caused by skin irritation by the medication you are using.
My recommendation is that you should have your skin checked, so that you may be prescribed a low potency steroid topical medication such as hydrocortisone, to relieve the irritation.
Stop using the Minoxidil for now, until the irritation subside.
Dapatkan jawaban yang lebih lengkap dengan konsultasi langsung dengan dokter di rumah sakit atau klinik terdekat.
Iklan dari HonestDocs
Standard Facial 1 Kali Di Reface Clinic
Sudah termasuk cuci wajah, peeling, ekstrak komedo, dan masker.
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